New Tricks for Two Old Dogs

We’ve been feeling the need to change the direction of our lives for a long time, but we’ve honestly been struggling with making the changes a part of our daily routines.  Since my husband and I retired, we have been focused on what we can make of the years that lie ahead.  I’ve written before about this change and it’s natural progression, and the difficulties we sometimes have letting go of past losses and failures.  It seems we are still waiting for the gates of our future lives to open up and receive us.

Too often we make excuses.  We blame others who have disappointed us, poor decisions we ourselves have made in the past, or lack of our own abilities or energies to sustain us in this unknown territory.  But, if we do not make our own decisions, our own choices, they will be made for us by our own lack of action.

It is past time for our hearts to heal and our minds to clear.  The message cannot be any stronger.  If we truly desire change, we must change.  If we seek growth, we must grow.  Opportunities are being offered; it is up to us to accept them and be happy in our own choices.

Want to know more about these cards?  Watch my video on YouTube!

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